Why should you join WiMIN?

Annual WiMIN membership gives you:

  • Access to all of our events at a reduced rate, or free

  • Regular updates on all WiMIN activities, or other events of interest to WiMIN

  • Group membership of MWIA (Medical Women’s International Association)

  • Group membership of NWCI (National Women’s Council of Ireland)

  • Opportunity to develop your leadership skills by participating in WiMIN subgroups/committees

  • Access to our mentorship programme (currently in development)

  • Reassurance that you are supporting the development and advancement of women in medicine at all stages of their career - leave the ladder down!



The Women In Medicine in Ireland Network is open to all female medical students and graduates in Ireland, and to those Irish women who are working or studying abroad. 

WiMIN Annual Membership (Full)
€40.00 every 12 months

WiMIN Annual Membership (Student/Retired)
€10.00 every 12 months for 4 years

If you are not ready to commit to paid membership, that’s okay.

You can join our mailing list to get an idea of our great events and resources, and hopefully we will persuade you!